Local Pickup in San Diego
How Order Online And Pickup in Store Works
For if you're located in San Diego, CA we offer this convenient option so you don't have to pay for shipping—especially if you're only picking up a couple bottles.
We offer pickup times twice a week so that you can find a predictable time that works for your schedule.
Pick Up Location
For now, all pickups will be located at the following location. We are looking into adding additional pick up locations on a rotating schedule.
Park Social @ Century Park
8720 Ariva Ct
San Diego, CA 92123
To locate us, we will typically have a tent set up where we will have set up our booth, so we won't be hard to miss. If it's raining, we will typically be just inside the lobby of Park Social.
Pick Up Schedule
Sunday: 3pm - 7pm
Wednesday: 3pm - 7pm